Thursday, July 4, 2013

At Home for a Few Days...

While I was in the presence of this phenomena known as "the internet," I decided to upload the new World Domination promo CDR to soundcloud. Its the first release as a full band, if anyone cares to check it out please do. Promotional Test For Mental Galactic Domination

Remember the Galaxies that lie in the recesses of the human brain can be accessed, as with anything, it takes a lifetime of practice. Why believe it if you cannot see it?

I got this as a CDR comes with three inserts, including instructions on how to turn the CDR into an official tape release... So you can grab it from me at any gigs or whatever...

I also repressed AP Chapman, and CR-Transcendence for that Manhattan gig, where I promptly sold one of each. But I have given a few away, so if you want one, get in touch, I probably wont be making much more of these things.

As always the email address is dont expect next day delivery, next day response service or anything else, I live in the real world as much as possible and try my damndest to avoid this fantasy time//space death-warp.

I almost forgot to put a nice song up here for you. Here is one of my all time favorite youtube videos...

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